Tuesday, May 26, 2009

There are two types of 'readers' who will read your sales letters, post cards, print ads, etc. - skimmers and readers. If your headline does its job (see rule #1), then the readers will read every word that write. Skimmers, will NOT. You want skimmers to be able to make a buying decision by just reading: • The Headline • Subheads • Captions • Order instructions • P.S. While they may not make the buying decision based on the 5 bullet points above, if you've told your story well enough with your headline, subheads, captions, order instructions and P.S. they will often go back and read the entire letter. With that said, we can enhance the sections above, and our copy with cosmetics. Cosmetics can be bolds, underlines, italics, CAPITALIZATION, a different font, SIZE, Colors, etc. Cosmetics enhancements are used to increase readership among skimmers and help readers follow along. Cosmetics are used to cover key points and they make long copy seem shorter to the reader, and thus increase readership. Tip: After you've written your sales letter, go through and use cosmetics to enhance your key points. The key points being your offer, reason why, guarantee(s), testimonial(s), deadline, and call to action. Then, have someone read just your headline, subheads, captions and cosmetic enhancements. If they can repeat your entire story just reading those areas, you've got yourself a double readership path with great cosmetics!

1) Quantify everything:-
- What result
- By whom?
- By when?
- At what cost?
- How will we measure it?
- How will we know when we have accomplished it?
- When and to whom is the accountability both in terms of benchmarks and end results?

2) Look at 3 variables
- Quality, speed, and cost- usually you pick two
- if you want Quality and fast, its usually going to cost you more.
- If you want Quality product and a low cost, its likely to take longer

3) Give realistic delivery date
- Instead of giving them false promise of what they want to hear
- Its better to do it upfront than to disappoint

4) Check for clarity
Ask Qs:
- What have you understand from this conversation?
- As a result of our interaction, what do u see as your next steps?
- What do you see as my roles?
- Do you feel that others are clear regarding expectations?
- What can we do to make things more clear?

This is my understanding of what you expect and what I can do.
Do you see it differently?

5) Expectations
- Disclose and reveal expectations. -Discuss them, validate them.
- Renegotiate them if needed and possible.
- Don't violate expectations.
- Don’t assume that expectations are clear or shared.

“Things which matters most must never be at the mercy of things which matters least” – Goethe -

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