Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Covey's summaries

LAT - Learn Apply and Teach
* Teach what we learn
* Do the same to our family
* No other success can compensate the failure in the home
Boss is a servant leader will be a true leader
5 reasons to teach:
1. You simply learn better
2. Motivates you to live it
3. Increases your ability to listen within another's frame of reference 4. Legitimizes Changes 5. Bonding
** Leave a Legacy:
How do we show love?
What is our fire?
If Life is short....what do we want to do?
Levels of engagement:
* We can buy a person's "Hand" but not "Heart".
The whole person paradigm:
-Industrial age:
Job Desription follow a process
- Knowledge age:
#everyone has a Unique contribution
# Release mind-set by asking
- what's your opinion / thoughts

Human beings have 4 dimensions:
Body; Mind; Heart ; Spirit
People normally give all 4 parts to their work
If you turn people into a thing that needs "control". Leadership is not about control, its about unleasing potentials.
We manage things and lead people
Getting feedback
How likely is it that you would recommend this product or service to a friend or colleague?

Leader needs to be open, honest, everyone able to contribute.
Clarify purpose and Align System.
Deep down, everyone wants to win!
The freedom is in the discipline.
Disciplines of Execution:
** Let team speak up their measures / goals , let them come up ideas and let them take accountability
(use pilot program to test)
** Success of a leader:
A test for a good leader is SUCCESS continuous even after the leader's departure
** When hiring a person, instead of telling what they need to do, ask what they like and do well, so they are on a "complimentary" team.
Family time
* Have a weekly family meeting to talk about values, mission
*Talk to each children to seek to understand
(avoid sick at heart).
* Have "one-on-one time", let children make the agenda
* we don't want to miss the magical moments with family! Specially with our children!
Roles of principle-centred family relationship:
(family member)
1. Teaching - empowering principles
- hears/do,trusts based principles & self
2. Organizing - aligning process to Mission
(experiences) (trust structures)
3. Mentoring - (feels) (values self)
4. Modeling - (sees) (trusts you)

If u can't measure, you can't improve it!
Celebrate success.
Success by Systems
-Success depend on the system, not on Leaders:
Winning streaks - self discipline,
-Everybody has to be a part of the team & this connects people
-Let other speaks and be heard, seek to understand before giving views, it helps create "mutual" understanding and also satisfy psycological needs , makes people becomes creative

-The most challenging walls is not between countries; but between people.
-It could be a past mistakes; ego; organizational hiereachy; mistrust between employee & mgt;
-micronmanagement are all walls which cause frustrations & cost.
# Key to tearing down walls -
- Think "we" together
- Listen to understand
- Believe in alternatives
- Seek 3rd Alternative
All it take is "one" person to tear down the wall, be a change agent
Key learning today:
(1). A new Map / Model /Paradigm:
We don't see the world as it is;
We see the world a

LAT - Learn Apply and Teach
* Teach what we learn
* Do the same to our family
* No other success can compensate the failure in the home
Boss = servant leader / true leader
5 reasons to teach:
1. You simply learn better
2. Motivates you to live it
3. Increases your ability to listen within another's frame of reference
4. Legitimizes Changes
5. Bonding
** Leave a Legacy (video):
How do we show love?
What is our fire?
If Life is short....what do we want to do?
Levels of engagement:
* We can buy a person's "Hand" but not "Heart".
The whole person paradigm:
-Industrial age:
Job Desription follow a process
- Knowledge age:
# Unique contribution
# Volunteers, partners
# Release mind-set
- what's your opinion / thiughts
Its wrong to have a mentality to manage "things".
We should lead people who do have power to choose
- We manage things and lead people
Human beings have 4 dimensions:
Body; Mind; Heart ; Spirit
People normally give all 4 parts to the work
If people turn to be a thing and need "control". Leadership is not about control, its about unleasing potentials.
Getting feedback
** How likely is it that you would recommend this product or service to a friend or colleague?
(Not at all likely...Extremely likely)
0-6 detractors / 7-8 passive / 9-10 promoters
Leader needs to be open, honest, everyone able to contribute. Clarify purpose.
Align System.
** Deep down, everyone wants to win!
The freedom is in the discipline.
4 Disciplines of Execution:
** Let my H.R team speak up their measures / goals , let them come up ideas and let them take accountability (use pilot program to test)
** Success of a leader:
A test for a good leader is SUCCESS continuous even after the departure
** When hiring a person, instead of telling what they need to do, ask what they like and do well, so they are on a "complimentary" team.
Family time
* Have a weekly family meeting to talk about values, mission
*Talk to each children to seek to understand
(avoid sick at heart).
* Have "one-on-one time", let children make the agenda
* we don't want to miss the magical moments with family! With children!
* 4 roles of principle-centred family relationship:
(family member)
1. Teaching - empowering principles
- hears/do,trusts principles & self
2. Organizing - aligning process to Mission
(experiences) (trust structures)
3. Mentoring - (feels) (values self)
4. Modeling - (sees) (trusts you)
Copa Airline (video)
If u can't measure, you can't improve it!
Celebrate success.
Success by Systems
-Success depend on the system, not on Leaders:
Winning streaks - self discipline,
-Everybody has to be a part of the team & this connects people
-Let other speaks and be heard, seek to understand before giving views, it helps create "mutual" understanding and also satisfy psycological needs , makes people becomes creative
We don't see the world as it is;
We see the world as we are.
Our head creates our world.
Walls (video):
-The most challenging walls is not between countries; but between people.
-It could be a past mistakes; ego; organizational hiereachy; mistrust between employee & mgt;
-micronmanagement are all walls which cause frustrations & cost.
# Key to tearing down walls -
- Think "we" together
- Listen to understand
- Believe in alternatives
- Seek 3rd Alternative
All it take is "one" person to tear down the wall.
Key learing today:
(1). A new Map / Model / Paradigm:
(2). A new Skill (Indian Talking Stick) lead to creating 3rd Alternatives
(3). 2 tools:
1 - XQ
Does your culture moves from Industrial to Knowledge worker's mindset
2 - net promoting Score on a 10-point scaleTool dealing with customers and employees
Force-Fields Analysis (by Kurk Lewen):
-Transition from Control to Empowerment
-See Graph of Empowerment Continuum
- Environment (where you are) to (where you want to go)

(cultural / emotional) this is difficult
= Personal , Interpersonal , Managerial , Organizational
# To help us succeed, give 2/3 of our energy in this Force
e.g. Store case study & Copa Airline
(put more effort on people, changing culture)

(economic / logical) this is where most mgrs are; easy to control
= Personal , Interpersonal , Managerial , Organizational
# To help us succeed, give 1/3 of our energy in this Force
If we want incremental change, use the driving force
For quantuum leap, focus on what's our restraining force
The greatest a servant leader or a parent is to communicate TRUST.
Everest Video - 19 people bringing a blind man to Mount Everest (Erik Eweihemayer)
Trust is the utmost elements for a team to achieve goal.
Leader may need to step down, the question is did we appoint Deputy?
Create Greatness (video)
Behind everyone of us, there is a leader
Create possible
On every stage, find your voice
Inspire others
People are often unreasonable ... Forgive them anyway...
~Mother Theresa

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